“Light Up Love” Project

“Light Up Love” Project

“Sustainable × Fortunate”

al-mii is committed to inheriting the wisdom of ancient natural herbs, combining modern technology to develop good products, and delivering the message of embracing natural beauty with love, in the hope of helping everyone to live a life full of love, beauty and good fortune.

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Al-mii is committed to inheriting the wisdom of ancient natural herbs, combining modern technology to develop good products, and delivering the message of embracing natural beauty with love, in the hope of helping everyone to live a life full of love, beauty and good fortune.


‘Light Up Love’ Project

In this era, awareness of social responsibility is becoming more and more important, and many organisations are exploring ways to give back to the community and help those in need. When we look at the world around us, we realise that there are people and communities in many places that are in dire need of help.

The dark plight of indigenous people

In Malaysia, especially in remote mountainous areas, many indigenous settlements live in an environment that is completely different from modern cities. They face extremely simple living conditions, lack basic living facilities and resources, and are often ignored and marginalised by society. Among them, the power problem is a serious challenge they face. Many areas do not have a stable power supply, and they are often plunged into darkness at night, affecting their quality of life and development opportunities.

Light up your love – install solar lights

We are fully aware of this reality and feel a great sense of responsibility. Therefore, we have developed a specific plan – “Light Up Love”. The core of this plan is to build solar power systems and install solar lights for indigenous settlements in the mountains to help them solve the problem of power supply, achieve self-sufficiency, and improve their living standards. Through the solar power system, they will be able to obtain a stable power supply, no longer constrained by darkness, and can study, work and do other activities at night, improve their quality of life, and open up space for development.

Buying and doing good things

Whenever you choose to buy our products, we will use a portion of the profits to implement the ‘Light Up Love’ program. In this way, we hope that more people will participate in the charity work and together we improve the life of people in the deep mountains. We invite you to join us in lighting up the hope in the deep mountains and bringing warmth and light to the aboriginal settlements.

We are convinced that through our efforts and your support, we can change the destiny of many people and bring them more opportunities and possibilities. Let’s work together to create a better and hopeful future.