High-quality selection of materials and halal procedures

High-quality selection of materials and halal procedures

“Sustainable × Fortunate”

al-mii is committed to inheriting the wisdom of ancient natural herbs, combining modern technology to develop good products, and delivering the message of embracing natural beauty with love, in the hope of helping everyone to live a life full of love, beauty and good fortune.

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Al-mii is committed to inheriting the wisdom of ancient natural herbs, combining modern technology to develop good products, and delivering the message of embracing natural beauty with love, in the hope of helping everyone to live a life full of love, beauty and good fortune.

Why did we choose halal procedure?

Halal products are high quality products!

Halal certification is a key step in ensuring that a product complies with Islamic regulations. The purpose behind it is to ensure the purity, compliance and safety of the product while meeting the religious needs of Muslim consumers. Companies must submit a large amount of documents and evidence to ensure that their products comply with the relevant regulations, and products need to be considered for compliance in areas other than religious requirements such as manufacturing processes, hygiene, equipment, storage, safety and standards. Therefore, Halal certification is not only required because of Muslim religious beliefs, Halal certification is the cornerstone of product quality and safety. It means that products with halal procedure will be of higher quality and should be included in the preferred standard of products for the general public.

Botanical extracts, no animal substances.

Halal certified products are free of animal substances and their ingredients are derived from plant extracts. This feature makes halal products ideal for vegans as well. No matter how strict your vegan diet is, you can be assured that you are using halal products. Halal certification also ensures that the products are not subject to any cross-contamination in the production line, thus guaranteeing the purity and safety of the products. In addition, the Halal certification does not only apply to the product itself, but the ingredients of the product will also have the Halal certification to ensure the quality of the product is guaranteed.

No animals are used for experimentation.

Last but not least, Halal certification ensures that the products are natural and eco-ethical, which means you can be sure that Al-mii’s products are 100% ethical as they are not tested on animals. Not using animals for skincare testing is a way of respecting and protecting the welfare of animals, as animal testing is often accompanied by pain and suffering, sadness and discomfort.

Good corporate governance and transparent production environment.

Halal certification includes a thorough assessment of the production facility and its processes to ensure that all ingredients used and the production environment are Halal compliant. Companies applying for certification are also required to demonstrate good management practices, which includes the submission of operational manuals, staff training records, and adherence to ethical business principles. These good management practices help to ensure that the production process is standardised and regulated, thereby improving the quality and safety of the product. The Halal Certification Organization conducts on-site inspections of the company’s production facilities to verify the accuracy of the information provided in the submitted documents. This ensures that the entire certification process is rigorous and reliable, and that the production process is transparent and compliant with Halal certification requirements.

Periodic review, quality assurance.

Obtaining Halal certification is a way of recognizing a business and guaranteeing the quality and safety of its products. To obtain Halal certification you must first pass a review period of six months to two years and businesses must renew their certification every three years. By complying with relevant regulations, good management practices and rigorous on-site inspections, companies can ensure that their products meet the requirements set out by Islam, while earning the trust and confidence of consumers. Therefore, we insist on adopting halal production procedures and are committed to providing consumers with a product that is simple, pure and can be used with confidence.