History and Utility of Mugwort

History and Utility of Mugwort

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Al-mii is committed to inheriting the wisdom of ancient natural herbs, combining modern technology to develop good products, and delivering the message of embracing natural beauty with love, in the hope of helping everyone to live a life full of love, beauty and good fortune.

History and Utility of Mugwort


Mugwort (scientific name: Artemisia argyi), also known as moxa, moxa pong, sweet moxa, fragrant moxa, Bingtai, artemisia absinthium, moxibustion grass, labiatae xiao, etc., is a kind of perennial herbaceous plant, widely distributed in Asia and Europe, the world’s moxa grass species can be as many as 300 ~ 400 species.

Historic ‘Pure Yang’ Plant

Mugwort is a traditional herb that has a long history. For thousands of years, people have maintained the habit of soaking in a bath with mugwort leaves, and it is rumoured that “ if there is mugwort in the house, the herbalist won’t come!” Mugwort has been found to have the ability to fight off bacteria, skin irritations and viruses while strengthening the skin. In many folklore and customs, mugwort is regarded as “pure yang”, and people often use mugwort and calamus to make scented sachets to ward off evil spirits and epidemics.

Ways to use Mugwort

In ancient times, there were more than 400 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine formulas containing mugwort, which had excellent performance in preventing epidemics, driving away evil spirits and disasters, and opening the meridians. In the well-known “Compendium of Materia Medica”, it is also recorded in detail that mugwort leaves are used in medicine, with the effects of warming the meridians, restoring yang, regulating qi and blood, expelling dampness and cold, and stop bleeding, and is therefore known as the “medical herb”. Mugwort leaves are often used to make moxibustion, a traditional Chinese medical treatment, which is believed to promote blood circulation and enhance immunity.

Besides China, in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and other civilizations, people have recorded and applied mugwort.

Ancient Egypt

In Ancient Egypt, according to archaeologists, the remains of mugwort were often unearthed in ancient Egyptian tombs, illustrating its importance in ancient Egyptian society. Ancient Egyptians believed that mugwort had the power to ward off evil spirits and protect the body, and it was commonly used in aromatherapy, ointments, and other medical applications.

Ancient Greece

Mugwort was also widely used in Ancient Greece. In Greek mythology, Artemis, the god who protected wildlife and grass, was said to have had her hair woven from mugwort. The Greek physician Hippocrates also mentioned the medicinal value of mugwort and used it to treat female ailments and other health problems.

Roman Empire

Mugwort was used equally for medical purposes and as a spice during the Roman Empire. Roman armies would also use mugwort to clean and disinfect wounds during conquests. Also, in Roman religious ceremonies, mugwort was used as an offering and a spice.

Ayurvedic Medicine in India

Mugwort also plays an important role in Ayurvedic medicine in India. Ayurvedic medicine believes that true health can only be achieved when the mind, body and consciousness are in balance. It employs a natural and holistic approach to health that includes the use of herbs, dietary modifications and moderate exercise to maintain a balance of life energy.

Mugwort Essential Oil

Mugwort essential oil is the essence of mugwort leaves, extracts from the leaves and stems of mugwort, volatile aromatic substances extracted by distillation cooling purification method, concentrating more than 90% of the medicinal power of mugwort, with a wide range of medicinal value. The molecular structure of essential oil is tiny, high penetration capacity, 70 times that of other skin care products, can be quickly absorbed by the skin, regulating meridian qi and blood, involved in the metabolism, injecting healthy energy into the skin.